Before you reserve your airport taxi to take you and your Loved Ones to fly away to the Tropics, please remember that it is your duty to protect your family from Mosquitoes biting them, as they may then quickly succumb to the numerous diseases that are spread by Mosquitoes.
Too much to ask you might think?
By planning your trip well and taking our advice, pest control in London which was obtained through personal experience very recently you can avoid being bitten.
This is not just a bunch of words cobbled together online, this is protecting you and your Children (if you have any) from many hundreds of Mosquito borne diseases.
Mosquitoes carry various types of bacteria, viruses, and parasites, and the worst of these is Malaria, Yellow Fever, Encephalitis, Nile Fever and Dengue Fever.

INTERESTING FACT: Did you know that the Mighty Mosquito kills more human beings every year, than any other living organism!
These mosquito borne diseases kill many millions of children every year in tropical countries, where you are no doubt headed to, with real wonder and anticipation of a Fun Holiday in your mind.
The Mighty Mosquito is waiting for You, and being several millions of years older than mankind, it has evolved into the Perfect Blood Sucker in it's highly unusual life cycle.
How do "Mozzies" locate you?
Mosquitoes sense the Carbon Dioxide in your breath and home in on your vapor trail coming out from. YOU!
They don't have great vision, but if you move they can see the movement in daytime or at night as they have Night Vision capability - they can see Infra Red Light - that is they see warm/hot things clearly in pitch black darkness and you are giving of that Invisible Warm Light from every inch of your juicy body in the dark.
Mosquitoes sense the lactic acid in your perspiration, and having found you, they then pierce your readily available skin with their highly infected dirty proboscis in order to siphon your blood.
During the Summer Heat in the daytime it is too hot for Mosquitoes to be flying around, so they find a cool place to relax in before hunting time at dusk in the evening, when the sun goes down.
However if you are nearby and rouse them, they will pest control in London drink your blood, as you have provided them with a perfect Dinner Invitation to feed on you.
All Mosquitoes feed on flower nectar to survive, however the female Mosquito needs the iron and protein etc. in your blood to make eggs, and thus most species are able to suck blood which is called Haematophagy (enter stage right Count Dracula).
The biggest species of Mosquito does not drink blood, it's larvae eat the larvae of other Mosquitoes! This why this large type of Mosquito Eater was bred on occasions for Pest control purposes with little result due to the vast stagnant areas that are available for breeding.